Different "Grades" of Ground Beef
Ground beef is an economical and versatile choice for today's consumer.
There are many options available in today's meat case including choices like 91% to 95% lean ground beef that meet the government labeling guidelines for lean.
The ground beef lean-to-fat ratio may vary from store to store and even within the meat case. Many retail stores will identify the percentage lean on each package and many also indicate the cut of beef that has been ground for each package.
For example, a package may indicate ground chuck, ground round or ground sirloin in addition to providing the lean percentage.
Below are photos of the 5 "types" or "grades" of Ground Beef based on the percentage of fat in the Ground Beef.
 75% Lean Ground Beef
|  80% Lean Ground Beef
|  85% Lean Ground Beef
|  90% Lean Ground Beef
|  95% Lean Ground Beef
Base your purchase decision on price, personal preference and recipe you will prepare.
For example, if a recipe indicates to brown and drain ground beef, any lean percentage is suitable.
However, if a recipe calls for raw ground beef to be mixed with other ingredients before cooking such as stuffed peppers and some casseroles, it is better to use a higher percentage lean ground beef.
We have a FREE PDF article on the Nutrition Data for ALL of the Above "Grades" of Ground Beef. To view it, just click here.
If you would rather download the FREE PDF Ground Beef Nutrition article and save it to your computer, just right click here., and choose "Save Target As" You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. If don't have it already on your computer, you can download from the Adobe website by clicking here.
Last Updated: Saturday, February 05, 2011 03:50 PM