| | BAR-B-Q TipsWe have a FREE PDF article on Barbecuing Safety. To view it, just click here.
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| Top 10 Charcoal Grills from About.com
| Take a look at one of Kentucky BourbonQ's best selling products: the Pappy's line of barbecue sauces, including Scovie Award-Winner Pappy's XXX White Lightnin' Barbecue (shown above). Other awards include 1st and 2nd Place People's Choice Awards at the 2003 International Zesty Food Show in Dallas, Texas! And you know, if Texans love our barbecue this much, it must be good! Place your order for the BEST barbecue around, and get on the road to your next addiction!!! | Tips
| | Hygiene Store the meat on an even tray and only take the meat out of the refrigerator when the barbeque is ready.
If a large portion of meat is to be used, try to take out only the amount that fits on the grill and grill the rest later.
Only use knives and cutting utensils for one thing, either for meat or for vegetables. Thereafter, the utensils should be thoroughly washed.
NEVER place the grilled meat back on the dish or board on which the raw meat was placed, as this has blood and juices from the raw meat.
NEVER use knives or dishes that have been used for the raw meat for the grilled meat, too.
Make sure the meat is thoroughly cooked before serving.. Only large whole pieces of meat may be a bit pinkish inside. Sliced or smaller pieces of meat should be well done.
Grill chart | Thickness (ca. cm.) | weight per piece (ca. grams) | Total grill time in min. |
Steaks | 1.5 | 300 | 15 | Hamburgers | 0.75-1 | 4 from 500 g meat | 5 | Cutlets (without bones) | 2 | 115 | 8 | Liver | 1 | 75 | 4 | Tenderloin (whole) | - | 500 | 22 | Tenderloin steaks | 3 | 55 | 12 | Pork chops | 2 | 150 | 16 | Pork chops with filling | 3 | 250 | 20 | Spare ribs* | with one bone | 150 | 7 | Spare ribs, whole** | - | 800 | 15 | Belly of pork | 2 | 120 | 8 | Escallops | 1-1.5 | 125-150 | 5 | Steaks | 1.5 | 160 | 8 | Small ham | | 350 | 27 | Ham steaks | | 350 | 13 | Sausages.....grill until well done! | | | |
* cook for 1/2 an hour before grilling **cook for 1 hour before grilling This chart should be used as a guideline as the grilling times can vary depending on the grill's distance to the coals and if there is a breeze on the coals. If you are using a grill with a lid, the grill times will be shorter. It is recommended that you use a lid if you are grilling large pieces of meat. You do not need to cook the ribs beforehand if you are using a lid when grilling, but the cooking times are quite different!
It is also recommended to use a thermometer "needle" to check the temperature of larger cuts of meat accurately. Cutlets and escallops (schnitzels) must not be grilled too long or they will become hard and dry. Cutlets should be grilled without bones because the bones take much longer to cook than the meat. The meat around the bone can be reddish but the rest of the meat must be well cooked.
If there is room on the grill... •Bacon wrapped around small bits of apples or prunes.

•Small potatoes with rosemary and brushed with (olive) oil.
 •Small mushrooms with cherry tomatoes wrapped with bacon.
 •Bits of pineapple and kiwi, drizzled with honey.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2017 09:10 PM |