Cooking Conversions and Equivalents

This file is from various sources, including the FAQ.

Liquid Measure Equivalents (United States)

  • dash = less than 1/8 teaspoon (tsp)
  • 1 teaspoon (tsp) = 1/3 tablespoon (Tbs)
  • 1 Tbs = 1/16 cup, 3 tsp
  • 2 Tbs = 1/8 cup, 1 fluid ounce
  • 4 Tbs = 1/4 cup, 2 fluid ounces
  • 8 Tbs = 1/2 cup, 4 fluid ounces, 1 gill
  • 16 Tbs = 1 cup, 8 fluid ounces, 1/2 pint
  • 1/4 cup = 4 Tbs
  • 1/3 cup = 5 Tbs + 1 tsp
  • 3/8 cup = 1/4 cup + 2 Tbs
  • 1/2 cup = 8 Tbs
  • 5/8 cup = 1/2 cup + 2 Tbs
  • 2/3 cup = 10 Tbs + 2 tsp
  • 3/4 cup = 12 Tbs
  • 7/8 cup = 3/4 cups + 2 Tbs
  • 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces, 1/2 pint
  • 2 cups = 16 fluid ounces, 1 pint
  • 4 cups = 2 pints, 1 quart
  • 16 cups = 8 pints, 4 quarts, 1 gallon

United States Liquid Measure Conversions

  • 1 tablespoon = 16 ml, 1/2 fl US oz
  • 1 cup = 225 ml, 8 fl US oz
  • 1 pint = 450 ml, 16 fl US oz

British Liquid Measure Conversions

  • 1 teaspoon = 5 ml, 1/6 UK oz
  • 1 dessertspoon = 10 ml, 1/3 UK oz
  • 1 tablespoon = 15 ml, 2/3 UK oz (some sources say 17.8 ml and 5/8 UK oz)
  • 1 fluid oz = 28.4 ml, 1 UK oz, 0.96 US oz
  • 1 gill = 5 UK oz
  • 1 cup = 10 UK oz
  • 1 pint = 570 ml, 20 UK oz
  • 1 quart = 1140 ml, 40 UK oz, 38.5 US oz

Australian Liquid Measure Conversions

  • 1 tablespoon = 20 ml

Weight Conversions

  • 1 ounce = 28.4 g (can usually be rounded to 25 or 30)
  • 1 pound (lb) = 454 g
  • 1 kg = 2.2 pounds (lbs)


  • 1 stick of butter = 4 oz, 1/2 US cup, about 114 grams, 1/4 pound, 8 Tbs
  • 1 oz cheese (grated) = 4 level tablespoons
  • 1 oz cocoa or chocolate powder = 3 level tablespoons
  • 1 oz coconut (desiccated) = 4 level tablespoons
  • 1 oz flour (unsifted) = 3 level tablespoons
  • 1 oz sugar (castor/caster) = 2 level tablespoons
  • 1 oz sugar (granulated) = 2 level tablespoons
  • 1 oz sugar (icing) = 2 1/2 level tablespoons
  • 1 oz syrup (golden) = 1 level tablespoon

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Monday, May 16, 2011 01:12 PM