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FRESH PORK: Safe Cooking ChartSpicecraft Roast Pork & Chop (Formerly Chophouse and Roast Pork) Spicecraft (Formerly F.W. Witt Seasonings). This is a great seasoning for Pork Butt Roasts and Pork Chops!Order 1 Jar of Spicecraft Roast Pork & Chop Seasoning for only $11.97 by clicking on the "Add To Cart" button below.
3 Jars for ONLY $24.97! Shipped FREE by USPS Mail!
We Offer A 100% Money Back Guarantee on EVERYTHING We Sell! |
Internal temperature of safely cooked pork should reach 160° F when measured with a meat thermometer
for Ground Pork - 145° F for roasts, steaks and chops.** Click Here to See a EXCELLENT Interactive Pork Cuts Diagram!! |
ROASTING: Set oven at 350° F. Roast in a shallow pan, uncovered. Internal temperature: 160° - medium; 170° - well done. | Loin Roast, Bone-in or Boneless | 2 to 5 pounds | 20-30 min. per pound | Crown Roast | 4 to 6 pounds | 20-30 min. per pound | Leg, (Fresh Ham) Whole, Bone-in | 12 to 16 pounds | 22-26 min. per pound | Leg, (Fresh Ham) Half, Bone-in | 5 to 8 pounds | 35-40 min. per pound | Boston Butt | 3 to 6 pounds | 45 min. per pound | Tenderloin (Roast at 425-450 F) | ½ to 1½ pounds | 20 to 30 minutes total | Ribs (Back, Country-style or Spareribs) | 2 to 4 pounds | 1½ to 2 hours (or until fork tender) | BROILING 4 inches from heat or GRILLING | Loin Chops, Bone-in or Boneless | ¾-in or 1½ inches | 6-8 min. or 12-16 min. | Tenderloin | ½to 1½ pounds | 15 to 25 minutes | Ribs (indirect heat), all types | 2 to 4 pounds | 1½ to 2 hours | Ground Pork Patties (direct heat) | ½ inch | 8 to 10 minutes | IN SKILLET ON STOVE | Loin Chops or Cutlets | ¼-inch or ¾-inch | 3-4 min. or 7-8 min. | Tenderloin Medallions | ¼ to ½-inch | 4 to 8 minutes | Ground Pork Patties | ½ inch | 8 to 10 minutes | BRAISING: Cover and simmer with a liquid. | Chops, Cutlets, Cubes, Medallions | to 1-inch | 10 to 25 minutes | Boston Butt, Boneless | 3 to 6 pounds | 2 to 2½ hours | Ribs, all types | 2 to 4 pounds | 1½ to 2 hours | STEWING: Cover pan; simmer, covered with liquid. | Ribs, all types | 2 to 4 pounds | 2 to 2½ hours, or until tender | Cubes | 1-inch | 45 to 60 minutes |
USDA Revises Recommended Cooking
Temperature for Pork to 145 °F!
Finally, Pork Doesn't Have To Be As
Tough As Leather.
WASHINGTON, May 24, 2011
- The U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) is updating its recommendation for safely
cooking pork, steaks, roasts, and chops. USDA recommends cooking
all whole cuts of meat to 145 °F as measured with a food
thermometer placed in the thickest part of the meat, then
allowing the meat to rest for three minutes before carving or
This change does not apply to ground meats, including ground
beef, veal, lamb, and pork, which should be cooked to 160 °F and
do not require a rest time. The safe cooking temperature for all
poultry products, including ground chicken and turkey, remains
at 165 °F.
You can read the complete report from the USDA by clicking here. | Don't forget to order your Notebook Size Meat Cutting Charts (pictured below) to use as a handy reference guide to ALL the beef cuts available!
These charts are extremely useful if you cut your own beef or just want to know what options you have at the Butcher Shop or Grocery Store Meat Department! | 
| Purchase A Set of 5 Notebook Size Meat Charts For ONLY $7.00 by Clicking the "Add To Cart" Button Below. Shipped FREE in the U.S.!
We Offer A 100% Money Back Guarantee on EVERYTHING We Sell! |
We have a FREE PDF article on "How To Use A Meat Thermometer". To view it, just click here.
If you would rather download the FREE PDF "How To Use A Meat Thermometer" article and save it to your computer, just right click here., and choose "Save Target As" You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. If don't have it already on your computer, you can download from the Adobe website by clicking here.
Storey's Guide to Raising Pigs This is a must for pig raisers! It's that much of a needed book for pig farmers. Every subject you want to know about pigs is found in this book, from showing at the fair, breeding the pigs, to the business aspect of running a farm...
Click on any jar below to go to that seasonings web page where you can read more about that seasoning and place your order. The Roast Pork and Chop Seasoning is excellent on Pork!  
Last Updated:
Tuesday, July 30, 2013 01:41 PM |