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Woods To Smoke Meat With

5 lb. Bag of 100% Natural Hickory Sawdust - USDA Approved - Click on the Photo to enlargeWe sell Hickory Sawdust in 5 lb. bags for ONLY $24.97!

We also have our Hickory Sawdust available in 2 lb. bags for ONLY $12.97

Use the sawdust that the professionals use. 
Shipped FREE in the U.S.!
Hickory sawdust will give a truly wonderful color and flavor to your smoked meats!

This is the same hickory sawdust that we use in all of our smoking of deer sausage, deer snack sticks, beef jerky, deer jerky,
 pork hams, pork bacon, pork shoulders and pork jowls.


Place Your Order For 5 lbs. of Hickory Sawdust for $24.97 or 2 lbs. of Hickory Sawdust for $12.97 by choosing what size bag and then clicking the "Add To Cart" Button to the right!

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Here's some short tips about some of the woods used to smoke meat.

1. Alder's natural sweetness is especially suited with pork.

2. Apple's natural sweetness is good for any type of meat. It's great in combination with other woods.

3. Cherry is especially good with beef and pork. It has a tendency to turn meat a rich mahogany color. It's best to balance Cherry wood with Hickory, Alder, Oak or Pecan.

4. Hickory is the all-time favorite of many Midwest and southern state barbecue cooking teams. Too much hickory smoke can turn meat bitter.

5. Maple is quite similar to Alder wood. Maple is sweet and also darkens the color of meat. Balance it with Alder, Apple or Oak. Sugar Maple wood is the sweetest.

6. Some say to use only Honey Mesquite wood. The Wesatch variety of Mesquite "pops" embers. Mesquite is oily in nature, so it burns hot and fast.

7. Oak. Red Oak is the best variety for smoking.

8. Pear, Peach and Plum. These woods require a certain level of expertise in their use. Peach and Plum woods tend to lose their flavor shortly after being cut. For the best results, make sure you the fruit bearing kind of Plum.

9. Pecan is a member of the hickory family, and becoming more popular for smoking. This is a pungent wood, which should be used sparingly.

10. Dogwood is quite similar to Oak in its smoke flavor.

11. Grapevine cuttings add a nice flavor to fish, poultry and beef. You could achieve the same effect by soaking wood chips in an inexpensive wine before throwing the wood on the coals.

12. Herb woods, such as Basil, Thyme and Rosemary are usually used in combination with other woods. A good combination would be Alder with Basil, and Maple with Rosemary

Book:  The Quick and Easy Art of Smoking Food

Buy from
The Quick and Easy Art of Smoking Food
I would recommend this book to any beginner wanting to carry on the art of smoking food.  You can find a large selection of grills, smokers and bar-b-q utensils at Amazon's Grills, Smokers & Fryers section.

Looking for some GREAT BBQ Seasoning to go along with your Smoked BBQ?
We have the following BBQ Seasonings in stock!

AC Legg BBQ Seasoning & Rub

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Spicecraft Prime Steak and Beefburger Seasoning
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Prime Steak and Beefburger Seasoning is GREAT On:
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1 Jar of Spicecraft Prime Steak and Beefburger Seasoning for ONLY $10.97!  And AS ALWAYS - Shipped FREE in the U.S.!

Some other basic smoking tips:

1. Use only hardwood, fruitwood or herb woods for smoking. Avoid softwoods, such as Cedar, Douglas Fir, Pine and Spruce, which are loaded with unpleasant pitch and resin and will ruin your meat.

2. Whenever possible use fresh wood - cut within twelve months of use in order to obtain the most flavorful smoke possible.

3. To obtain the best results, soak wood chips or chunks in HOT water. The heat opens up the wood fibers, allowing the water to more fully penetrate the wood so it smolders, rather than burns.

4. Develop your own blends. Experiment using the various hardwoods, fruitwoods and herb woods available. Think of different combinations as having your own spice cabinet right at your grill.

5. For a unique flavoring, try soaking Oak or Alder chips or chunks in white or red wines. This is an especially effective way to add additional flavor to fish or poultry.

6. Keep a logbook of what you do. Write down what kinds of woods you use and with what kinds of meat. How many spoonfuls of chips, logs or chunks you used. This way, when you have an especially good result, you can easily duplicate the process the next time. Likewise, if you have a failure, you can study what you did and avoid making the same mistake twice.

7. DON'T lift the lid off the cooking unit to see how the meat is cooking. Heat is lost and you lengthen the time it will take your meat to cook. You also lose valuable smoke.

What types of wood to use with various types of meats:

Alder: Used with all types of meats listed

Apple: Used with all meats

Cherry: Used with all meats except Seafood

Dogwood: Used only with Pork

Herb woods: Used with all meats

Hickory: Used with all meats except Seafood

Maple: Used with all meats

Mesquite: Used with Beef, Seafood and Turkey

Oak: Used with Beef and Chicken

Peach, Pear, Plum: Used with Chicken, Lamb, Pork and Turkey

Pecan: Used with all meats

Sassafras: Used only with pork

Grapevines: Used with Chicken and Seafood

Want to learn more about Pork?  The visit our Pork Page!

Last Updated:  Monday, December 18, 2017 11:54 AM

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