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Hog Yield ChartTypical Average Hog Carcass (Dressed) Weight is 155 lbs.Primal Name
| Average Weight
| Loin | 16.5 lb | Cut into chops, average 36-40 chops
| Shoulder Butt | 8.8 lb | Steaks or Roast
| Picnic skinless | 7.7 lb | Steaks or Roast
| Belly | 10.6 lb | Sliced, fresh or cured for bacon
| Spareribs | 3.3 lb | Sweet and Sour Ribs
| Leg | 22 lb | Steaks or Roast
| Hock | 2 lb | Whole or split
| Riblets and neck | 1.8 lb |
| Total yield | 88-92 lb |
Yield: 68-72 percent of total carcass.Print this page. | The figures below are for 1/2 hog. | 
| Last Updated -
Wednesday, June 05, 2013 08:47 PM | |