Steel Bag Taping Machine 
Closes bag and cuts tape in one easy motion! Made by Powerseal™
This Taping Machine is the exact same one
we use when sealing the Poly Bags sold above. Uses no electricity. Notice that this is a stainless machine. There are other bag taping machines available that are made of metal that can stain and rust!
Also there is a similar Taping Machine
available on the Internet that is made out of PLASTIC!
These Taping Machines can EASILY break when dropped - not the
Stainless Taping Machine!
Uses less than 2 inches of tape with each seal.
Just click on
any of the Photographs to the right to see a
larger image
Place your order for 1 Powerseal™
Stainless Bag Taping Machine for ONLY $39.97
- Shipped FREE in the U.S.