All of our DVD's are now indexed! With indexing you can find exactly what you are looking for quickly. You can read how the DVD's are indexed in the description box of each DVD on the website. ( The Knife Sharpening DVD is not indexed) All of our DVD's are recorded in DVD+R. |

Knife Sharpening DVD
- ONLY $9.97! Shipped FREE in the U.S.! |
Even if you are not planning on processing or slaughtering beefs, hogs or deer, our DVD's are informative and educational. We show how small town butcher shops have been slaughtering and processing meat since the early 20th century. See how we cut meat the old fashioned way before all the grocery stores started selling box beef/pork processed in huge meat factories! {Our Beef Processing and Pork Processing DVD's show how to process beefs and hogs using a commercial bandsaw and commercial grinder.} |
for your reply about the meat grinder… the one
you recommended is very nice. The reviews
were all 5-star. I plan to get it when I get
the money together… I know it will last a life
time. Also, a little about myself… I Raise
my own meat birds each spring about 30 Cornish
rocks. I also hunt deer and don’t ever
plant to buy beef again. We had deer
burgers the other day and they were fabulous.
I also raised two hogs a year ago and plan to
raise two each year. I dressed out my two
hogs, but then took them to the butcher. I
want to do it all next time. I love to butcher
my own animals but I don’t know a lot and feel
very blessed to have found your site. I plan to
acquire your video tutorials a little at a time.
My son, William, just turned 16 and he wants to
become a butcher/chef…. He’s very into it.
The last set of knives I purchased are for his
I look forward to doing business with you for
some time to come and will recommend people as
often as I can.
By the way, the survey I took has a coding error
where on one question that asks how important
certain factors were in ordering, it won’t let
you choose the same level of importance on
multiple choices, for example, I could
only choose “very important” for one of the five
or so criteria. I hope this makes sense.
Here’s a picture of my first big buck with a bow from two weeks ago.
(October 17, 2012)
Best Regards,
Quintin McClellan
Radford, VA |
Attention Wild Game Hunters
Ask The Meatman would like to see the pictures of your latest Deer, Elk, Moose,
Antelope, etc.
If you would like us to put them up on Ask The, just email your
picture, along with a description to us by
clicking here. |
I wanted to send you this reply after using your
video to cut up our beef.
Like I stated before, this is our second year of
trying to cut up our own and still have it be a semi professional job (not just
whack and hack!).
Last year we tried to watch as many You-Tube
videos and look at the cut charts (that can only get you so far .... not as
successful as I had hoped and my wife was not pleased with writing odd
statements on the outside wrapper.
This year, with the help of your video, I improved
greatly. I cut the meat in the right direction and was able to identify the cuts
as I made them.
The packages have normal names on them!! I had set
up my laptop and we watched and cut at the same time (to make sure we did it
right). Cutting beef is obviously a very technical skill and I wanted to thank
you for sharing this with us. It helped tremendously!!!
On the video itself, I would like to make a couple
comments.....the first section on cutting the rear quarter was spot on (except I
wasn't able to achieve the dime size piece cutting the round from the sirloin
... better luck next time!) The front quarter was where I ran into a little more
trouble...I wasn't sure of where exactly you cut some of the initial cuts (like
in the rear quarter we counted vertebrae and matched with knuckle bones). It
seemed the front quarter wasn't quite as technical as the rear with initial cut
of the front leg for example ....but it was a great help... if you were to
improve the video at all I would maybe just tough up on the front quarter. Your
video has a little skip in it also (not that it was a hindrance just didn't know
if you knew)
Overall, we could not have done the quality of
work without your video.
Thank you for making it!!!! Great Job!
Craig… I am cleaning out my emails when I noticed this, and I remembered that I owed you some feedback on your videos. I’d like to say that you guys did an excellent job! I was successful in my hunt this past October, and I harvested an elk that was ~500 lbs. I had viewed the videos before hunting, as I wanted to be able to debone at camp… this keeps me from needing to bring as much ice. I was able to debone a quarter quickly (for me), it took less than 5 minutes per quarter once I had them skinned and clean. BTW.. your video on removing quarters was excellent. I was able to quarter that elk (and debone) with nothing more than a 6” filet knife. Only problem that I had in the field was keeping
my knife sharp enough to get through the hide… especially the neck. I brought a small field ceramic sharpener with me, but that elk hair is tough. I need to invest in a better knife for that. Any suggestions? It was a little tricky identifying the different cuts from the hind quarters of that elk, but I got through it just fine. I turned my kitchen into a butcher shop shortly after the hunt, lining the counter with a blue tarp, butcher paper, and cutting boards. The majority of the time was taken cleaning all the fat and fascia off of the meat. Luckily I have two daughters who wanted to help. We got everything sliced, diced, vacuum bagged and put away without my wife becoming too alarmed, even though my kitchen looked pretty gruesome for a short while! :-) I found my receipt from processing of my elk last year (granted, this included making sausage and jerky) but the bill was well over $300. I still have some grinding and sausage making to do, but your videos gave me the confidence to tackle this myself. Thanks again for putting these videos together and for the excellent speed in which they shipped. You guys rock! Regards, Frank Wirtz
I wanted to thank you for your video’s. With them I was able to take my time and process this years deer into wonderful tasty cuts of steaks and stews and other treats. It helps me to appreciate it so much more then just sending it into grind. Thanks again, sincerely, Mike Palmer, Grants Pass, Oregon. |
To get the entire video go to there web site and buy the video. It is Well worth the money !!! I more than paid for the video last deer season. !! the video is extremely detailed (This comment was from the Deer Processing DVD 5 minute clip on YouTube) |
hello! we recently purchased your DVDs about butchering a hog. just this week the weather was finally cold enough on my husband's days off, and we butchered our own 300+ pound hog. neither my husband or i had ever done this before, so we were a little nervous about such a big animal. (we also raise pastured poultry, so we've done lots of butchering of small animals...) your DVDs were fantastic! they were very informative and helpful, and we felt very confident about the job that we were doing. we actually put our little portable TV right out where we were working, and would play and pause as we worked right along! you helped make the job of butchering our pig very manageable, and we are so pleased to have done it ourselves. we surely feel ready to tackle this annual chore at our little homestead, and would quickly recommend your DVDs to anyone interested in butchering themselves! thanks again! jennifer caplinger |
I have misplaced the smoked sausage DVD I purchased from you last year. I plan to make venison summer sausage and venison sticks this weekend. Does that video have tips on how to stuff the fibrous and collagen casings for summer sausage and venison sticks? Craig Janek Hi Craig, Yes, it shows how to stuff deer sausage and deer snack sticks. I will put another one in the mail for you today Craig. There will no charge. I will ship it by USPS Priority Mail (instead of by First Class mail that we usually do with our DVD’s) so that you should get it by this weekend Craig. Good luck with the sausage this weekend and thanks again. I hope we can continue to be of service to you. Craig Meyer Owner - Ask The Wow, that was not necessary, but thanks. You have a loyal customer for the remainder of my deer hunting/processing years. I've recommended your company to a few friends in the past year and will continue to do so. Thanks again. Craig Janek |
Thanks for your fast reply. I learned a lot from the YouTube videos. Butchers are a dying breed not much of yall are left. Good luck to you and your business. Thanks Weldon |
Hello Craig Just a quick note to say I received the replacement DVD's. They all work fine thank you. I can't imagine what could have happened to the first ones, maybe the Post Office abused them somehow. Anyway, I am in good shape and I sure appreciate your quick response in fixing the problem. I will buying more supplies from you. Thanks again David |
Wow I already received the pork processing DVD in the mail. I bought my husband the beef and pork processing and the DVD for the pork skipped in the middle. I email you and in less then an hour I received an email back telling me a new one was in the mail. Great service and great DVD`s. Thanks again, Jody |
Hello, My name is Allen Townsend I ordered some DVD's earlier this year and I went to watch my DVD on making deer sausage and snack sticks this weekend and found out that the DVD in the box is actually deer processing and knife sharpening, with I also purchased at the same time. I was wondering if you would send me out the correct DVD. I am really looking forward to making sausage with my deer this year. Your company has taught me a lot about butchering. I feel you have a GREAT selection for a beginner like me, to the professional. The Video clips really help as well. Thanks for all you help and great products! Allen Townsend |
Hey there: I have been watching your videos on youtube and on your website and I am really interested in learning the butchering trade. I find that your videos are not only informative but of the highest quality. The people in the videos are some of the best I have ever seen. The point of this email is to inquire about a special deal on purchasing your DVD's. I am interested in purchasing ALL of your DVD's and I would like to know what kind of deal you might give me. Please note that I am a military veteran trying to learn a new trade! Also note that I intend on purchasing other items from you including cutlery and seasonings. Thanks for anything and everything. David Thompson |
I have ordered your sausage making kits in the past and have appreciated the quality. In fact, I purchased your sausage making DVD and really learned a lot from it. Thank you! Roy Dye |
Hello, I just purchased the videos on slaughtering and processing beef and wanted to tell you they were incredible! It was my first purchase from you and definitely will not be my last. Thank you for such a descriptive, informative learning tool. I will be ordering the videos on slaughtering and processing hogs shortly. To my question; I hope you would tell me if it is the norm for beef animals to drop so quickly when shot with the .22 Long rifle (as shown in the video) or was the one in the video a lucky one? I have not yet done this and want to know exactly what to expect. Thank you again. Sincerely, David |
Mate I’ve been hunting and harvesting game since I was old enough to hold a firearm. I have only now just come across your web page and will be buying all of your DVD’s for my son and I. When I was growing up I pretty much self taught myself in the field but even with your short “YouTube” videos; it’s been amazing just how much I have missed out. Thank you. Cheers. Vaughan, Griffith, Australia |
Thanks for the quick reply to the defective DVD’S . The three replacements work beautiful and the information is very helpful . I look forward to more business with you . Thanks Craig for great products . Walt “Woody” Webster |
Thanks! I have recently left the US Navy after 10 years to pursue my new career as a meat cutter and I just wanted to thank you for your (Video channel on YouTube), it was exactly what I was looking for! Hopefully someday I will be able to call myself a bona fide butcher! Very Respectfully, Nate |
Hi Craig We received the replacement Beef Slaughtering DVD about a week ago and would like to thank you for your consideration and prompt action in rectifying the hiccup. I would like to emphasize that the movie was very clear and descriptive and was a boon to someone who had not gone through the process before. The slaughtering of the steer is now complete and it is hanging in the cool room awaiting our attention in the next few days. Meanwhile, I shall watch your butchering disc a few more times, just to be sure of the next stage to a good steak!!! Thank you once again for your prompt service and consideration, from both of us here in Northern New South Wales, Australia. Regards Paul Spooner |
Well that was faster than I could have hoped for! You have a tremendous resource and I am excited to get my video. Most of my contemporaries think that meat comes from the store, in little Styrofoam packages, and have no idea what goes into the raising and processing of meat. I grew up in North Dakota where my grandfather ran a small cattle operation so I have some knowledge, but unfortunately I only learned a little about the processing. My grandfather did give me great tips on raising the cattle, though, before he died last July. Now all I need is a farm... Thanks again for the fast shipping - I'm sure I will be ordering more in the future! |
Thank you for your prompt replacement of the VHS tape. I received our replacement and the other items we ordered today (Sunday) by mail (we will be reviewing the tapes and using the casings tonight). Your information and service has been just as you advertise, and I have been happy with all products received. Keep up the good work. Elsa, Pa Deer Hunter. |
I purchased the Deer Processing DVD to process mule deer and found it very educational and easy to follow along. Great job on the DVD! My question is can you use the Forschner-Victorinox 5 Inch Butcher Knife to process muleys, or will you need BOTH the Forschner-Victorinox 5 Inch Butcher Knife AND the Forschner-Victorinox Fibrox Handle 8 Inch Breaking Knife? Thanks. |
To Craig Meyer; Thank you very much for sorting out delivery of the deer processing DVD which I have now received. I would like to compliment you on a job well done. It is excellent! I am over the moon with it as I will now be able to butcher myself and know exactly what the proper cuts are. Again, my thanks. There is nothing like it available in Ireland. If you wish to add this to your customer satisfaction base, please feel free to do so. Thank you! Greetings from Republic of Ireland. Sean o Connor |
Hi Craig; It is a rainy day here in south LA, so I have been watching the videos that you sent to me. I just thought that I knew something about cleaning and butchering deer!!! Not to mention that now I have to re-sharpen all of my knives after watching Stan! There isn't much missed on your websites except a playboy video! Thanks and you WILL get a good plug in my article---wish that Grovespring, MO (where I'll be hunting) was closer to Jackson, or I would stop in. Maybe the next time on my way to St. Louis. Thanks again, bt
Click here to read all of our Reviews! |
All of our DVD's are shipped FREE! |

Stan Acup (Shown to the left) has OVER 40 Years of Meat Cutting Experience. He, along with The Meatman (Craig Meyer - OVER 35 Years of Meat Experience), are compiling over 10 HOURS of Meat Processing DVD's! You WON'T Find These "Meat Processing Videos" ANYWHERE ELSE on the Internet!
We have separate DVD's on: Beef Slaughtering and Beef Processing, Hog Slaughtering and Hog Processing, Deer Field Dressing, Skinning and Processing, AND Sausage and Jerky Making.And we NOW have Beef Processing and Pork Processing on DVD's! These are completely NEW! They were filmed in April, 2005.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE....Even though we explain most of the cuts we are making............ and try to show clearly what we are doing from different camera angles and close-ups.........You Will NOT become a Professional Journeyman Meatcutter just from watching our videos!!
Our videos will give you an introduction to meat processing - they will not - and COULD not - turn you into a Experienced Meatcutter OVERNIGHT! Stan and I both were taught by our [Meatcutter] fathers as youngsters how to work in the Butchershop. We learned over a period of YEARS with hands-on training. So please use our meat processing videos as a beginners guide in the Meatcutters Trade.
We are NOT JUST a Retail Home Butcher Supply Store! We ACTUALLY Process Beefs, Hogs and Deer.
We Have Since 1949! And we continue to do so today.
WE ONLY SELL PRODUCTS THAT WE USE! You may want to check out other Home Butcher Supply Web stores and see if they actually use the products that they sell in "Their" Meat Processing Plant (that is, if they have one!). Find out more of what makes Ask The a Unique Home Meat Processing Supplier, and Why You Should Shop Here!! AND AS ALWAYS - FREE SHIPPING IN THE U.S.! |
Last Updated -
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 02:06 PM |